A Brief History of the Parish
Holy Trinity, Matroosfontein falls under the Archdiocese of Cape Town, South Africa. It is situated in the well known Cape Flats of Western Cape and it has a history of 90 years. About 98% of the members of the parish belong to coloured community. The beginning of Matroosfontein parish is linked inextricably with the name of a great Irish priest, the late Fr. James Kelly, who worked hard in the initial years to bring the scattered Catholics of the area to an organized Catholic Community. Another zealous priest who served the parish for a very lengthy period of time was Fr. Marcellus. When Matroosfontein was first given to Fr. Marcellus in 1935, the surrounding place was filled with wild bush without proper roads or drainage. The Catholic Community numbered about 150, when Fr. Marcellus assumed office as priest in charge, and after 28 years of service, the parish had grown to a congregation of more than 5000 with four Holy Masses on Sundays. After Fr. Marcellus, a number of diocesan priests served the community of Matroosfontein. In the course of time, with the increase in the number of faithful, two new parishes were formed in the vicinity, at Lavis Town and Elesis River, which are now fully fledged parishes with resident priests.
On 12th January 2002, the Missionaries of Saint Francis de Sales, (from India) namely Frs. Job Kaleekaparampil, msfs and Babychan Arackathara, msfs took over Holy Trinity, Matroosfontein. On October 12, 2002, Fr. Job assumed the responsibility of Bontehuwel parish at the request of the Archbishop Lawrence Henry. Subsequently Fr. Babychan was appointed as the parish priest. On 21st April 2007 Fr.Baiju Mundackal, msfs took over the Parish from the outgoing Parish Priest Fr.Babychan. On 14th September 2014 Fr. Thomas (Biju) Joseph Vanderkunnel msfs was appointed as the parish priest of Holy Trinity Matroosfontein.
Presently parish has ± 630 registered families and ± 1800 members (according to the family registration that began in 2010, still registration is continuing) with an average attendance of 900 - 1200 members for weekend Holy Masses. In addition to two parish deacons, there are about 30 extra-ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. The Parish has a well trained and dedicated team of catechists. There are number of other organizations working hand in hand with the parish pastoral council in the pastoral, financial, formative and liturgical concerns of the parish. Saint Vincent de Paul Society is one of the vibrant charitable organizations in the parish since 1955. Holy Trinity has a very active and spirit filled youth group, known as HTY (Holy Trinity Youth) with its senior and juniors divisions with their animators. The Souls Singers and the senior choir give a new dynamism to the worship. It has a dedicated Legion of Mary, Property management, men’s group, many prayer groups, Financial Council, Hospitality group, etc.
On the 12th of January 2002, the Missionaries of St. Francis de Sales namely, Frs. Job Karikkampally MSFS and Babychen Arackathara MSFS took charge of the parish of Matroosfontein. After Fr. Job was transferred to Bonteheuwel, Fr. Babychen was appointed as the parish priest.
Fr. Baiju Kurian Mundackal took over as the parish priest 0n 22 April 2007, when Fr. Babychan was transferred to Steenberg.
Fr. Thomas Vanderkunnel became the parish priest in 2013, when Fr. Baiju was transferred on 23 July 2013 to Grassy Park.
The Parish of Holy Trinity, Matroosfontein is situated within the boundaries of: In the Western side Mountain Road in Valhalla Drive, moves in to Balvenie Avenue in the Northern side follows in to Connaught Road to 16th Avenue to Ullswater Road to Delarey Road. In the Southern side Railway line to Modderdam Road and in the Eastern side from Modderdam road to the Railway line.