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MINISTRIES    at Holy Trinity Catholic Church,  Matroosfontein





PPC (Parish Pastoral Council)



Finance Council



Secretary & Book Keeper

Elna September: She works on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. 




Celina Abrahams




Property Management Team




Fund Raising Team




M I N I S T R I E S 


Eucharistic Ministers

At present the parish has some 30 ministers of the Eucharist.

They help in the distribution of Holy Communion at the Mass and take Communion to the sick,

on every Sunday after the 8.00AM Mass. 







Altar Servers




Liturgical Dancers









The catechism of the parish takes place on every Sunday from 9.30 AM – 10.30 AM.

The catechists arrange the Pascal meal, Concert on the feast of Christ the King and year end gathering for the catechism children.



Baptism Instructors




Marriage Instructor





The RCIA classes begin on the first Sunday of Advent and goes for one year. 




The parish has some 25 readers. Every second month, on a Saturday they have their meeting at 2.30 PM. 



Parish Counsellor




Caretakers/ Gardeners




Garden Ladies

A group of three to four ladies look after the church gardens freely. They come in few times during the week. 



Church Cleaners





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